Saturday, December 24, 2022

what are some good sparking conversation questions?

Starting a conversation can be challenging, especially when there is an awkward silence. Having some good questions ready to launch into a discussion can certainly help to get the ball rolling. Here are some sparking conversation questions that are great for getting to know someone and inspiring meaningful conversations:

1. What are the top three things that you really enjoy doing in your free time?

2. If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would you go?

3. What do you think is one thing everyone should experience at least once in their life?

4. What do you consider your biggest accomplishment so far in life?

5. What would be the perfect way to spend a summer day?

6. What is something you've recently learned about yourself?

7. What do you think has been the most difficult decision you've ever made?

8. Are there any causes or charities that are particularly important to you?

9. If money were no object, what hobby or activity would you pick up/spend more time doing?

10. What book has made the biggest impact on your life so far and why?

11. Who is someone that inspires or motivates you and why?

12. Are there any changes or improvements you want to make to your life this year, if so what are they?

13. Do have any fun stories about something unexpected that happened recently?

See more about what to ask people

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